Category Archives: World Articles

China’s Growing Economy

The thriving economy of China is dictated by the People’s Republic of China. This has been the dominate force driving the economy since 1978. Currently China’ economy ranks it #4 in the world so there is no doubt the regulations … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Vivian Davis, World Articles | 343 Comments

Less Coal – China’s Energy Plan

According to a U.S. Congressional – Executive Commission on China, which held a series of Issues Roundtables in late 2004, it was estimated that 12 Chinese mine workers die for every million tons of coal produced. Most are killed by … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Jim Collins, World Articles | 7,110 Comments

Forex Strategies

FOREX trading refers to an international, 24/7, over the counter, exchange market where currencies of different nations are bought and sold. Trading is always done in pairs assuming the price of currency bought to go up and that sold to … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins, World Articles | 6,114 Comments

Thriving Economy of China

The thriving economy of China is dictated by the People’s Republic of China. This has been the dominate force driving the economy since 1978. Currently China’ economy ranks it #4 in the world so there is no doubt the regulations … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Jim Collins, Vivian Davis, World Articles | 6,897 Comments

Dollar and the American Economy

A single bad event, by itself, is rarely a cause for worry. But put that single bad event together with another seemingly unrelated bad event and, well, there could be serious trouble ahead. Take the steady, troublesome decline of the … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Jeremy Rios, World Articles | 1,868 Comments

Terrorism vs. Investing in Oil

Terrorist attacks threaten the security of nations and create an atmosphere of uncertainty. These threats impact stocks and commodities markets around the world and make investment decisions very difficult, even for the experts. So what can average investors do? First, … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins, World Articles | 21 Comments

Worldwide Real Inflation & Gold II

Available at Amazon Kindle, “Worldwide Real Inflation and Gold I” & “Worldwide Real Inflation and Gold II.” True EC Report

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Michael Kastone, Society Articles, World Articles | 28 Comments

Global Peace Plan

Rick Warren, author of the best selling book ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ and leader of the Saddleback mega church in California has launched a global PEACE plan which aims to enlist ‘one billion foot soldiers for the Kingdom of God’. … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Mia Chen, Society Articles, World Articles | 14 Comments

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International Investment Sense

Of the world’s 40,000 publicly traded companies, 77 percent are located abroad, a pretty good sign that there are compelling investment opportunities outside the United States. Viewed another way, 51 percent of the world’s $38 trillion total market capitalization belongs … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Vivian Davis, World Articles | 6,354 Comments