Category Archives: Mia Chen

7 Simple Ways To Feel Happier

All of us have days when we’re out of sorts. You just wish you were in a better mood. You’ve had days like that, haven’t you? Perhaps you tried to get yourself into a better state of mind but struggled … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Mia Chen, Spiritual Articles, Stephanie Cohen | 6,427 Comments

Positive Attitude Secrets

Are you constantly bombarded by thoughts of negativity? Plagued by feelings of insecurity? Do you see everything in a negative manner? The reason for this lies deep within your heart. You are what you mentally and spiritually eat. If a … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Mia Chen, Spiritual Articles | 1,822 Comments

The Happy Mind

Though one could be infinitely happy by just enjoying the nature and family and all the human-made things, there are still millions of people who are unhappy. In the developed countries there is very fortunate circumstance of having both God-given … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Mia Chen, Spiritual Articles, Vivian Davis | 18 Comments

Happy Choice

Ever heard someone say,”…so-in-so is great, but I’m just not happy?” Or have you ever wondered why you just couldn’t seem to find happiness? Read on to learn how you can choose to be happy. Happiness is something you have … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Mia Chen, Spiritual Articles | 9 Comments

Knowing Your Passion

Okay, you’ve decided you want to make money with Affiliate Marketing. So, you join some affiliate programs and start submitting free ads to newsletters and free advertising classifieds sites. You’re going to make BIG money now — right? Nope! Sorry! … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Mia Chen, Society Articles, Vivian Davis | Leave a comment

Hidden Self and Healment

Conceptions in Healing the Hidden Self Developing our concepts will assist us with conjuring up new ideas and perceptions that lead us to healing the hidden self. Through theorizing, shuffling, and developing new ideas we can change our view on … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Mia Chen, Spiritual Articles, Vivian Davis | 6,306 Comments

Do What You Love & Love What You Do

What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m sure you were asked this question at least once when you were a youngster. When asked the question, did you have an answer at the ready, or did you … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Contributors, Mia Chen, Society Articles, Spiritual Articles, Stephanie Cohen, Vivian Davis | 16 Comments

Obtaining Inner Peace

I have no doubt that there are many people out there who are searching for ways of improving their overall quality of life. We have no divine right to be happy of course but on the other hand we should … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Mia Chen, Spiritual Articles, Vivian Davis | 13 Comments

Happiness Giving

We all want happiness. We all need appreciation. We all crave for recognition. We all want to be applauded. We all desire to be called as good and lovely human beings. We are all looking for this certificate from our … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Mia Chen, Spiritual Articles, Stephanie Cohen | 20 Comments

Tips for Beginning Investors

Investing can be confusing, especially for the beginner. Getting some basic tips can help a beginning investor to make informed choices that fit their needs. Each person has a different goal when investing and that plays a big impact on … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Mia Chen | 7,748 Comments