Category Archives: Economy Articles

Higher Bond Yields

To understand high yield bonds, let’s define what a bond is. A bond is an interest-bearing investment that obliges the borrower to pay a specific amount of interest for a specific period of time and then at maturity to repay … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 21 Comments

Money and the World

Whatever your resources, socially responsible investment (SRI) can help you fulfil your dreams, and make the world a better place. SRI means you can channel your money away from industries that contribute to the destruction of the environment, companies employing … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Jeremy Rios | 4,979 Comments

Less Coal – China’s Energy Plan

According to a U.S. Congressional – Executive Commission on China, which held a series of Issues Roundtables in late 2004, it was estimated that 12 Chinese mine workers die for every million tons of coal produced. Most are killed by … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Jim Collins, World Articles | 7,110 Comments

Forex Strategies

FOREX trading refers to an international, 24/7, over the counter, exchange market where currencies of different nations are bought and sold. Trading is always done in pairs assuming the price of currency bought to go up and that sold to … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins, World Articles | 6,114 Comments

Time for Dividends

Soaring technology stocks led the longest bull market in history during the 1990s, driving investors to shun stocks of dividend-paying firms. The steady stock performance of more conservative firms just seemed pale in comparison. But now, rising interest rates and … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 6,391 Comments

Emotion Investing

Humans are all emotional being. We do not always make decisions rationally. Emotion is part of us as investors. Investors might feel better towards stocks at certain point or they might feel that owning stocks are risky and avoid it … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Vivian Davis | 11 Comments

Mergers in Tough Economy

The economy today is not stabilized. Even big companies have to confront the ups and downs that come their way. But the only thing that keeps them going is survival. They have to survive in the market and progress swiftly … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 31 Comments

Economic Planning

Does the current economic crisis have you worried? Are you wondering how to achieve financial freedom so you can protect yourself and your family from the coming financial crash? Here is what you need to know. The first thing you … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Jeremy Rios | 15 Comments

Foreclosure Risk Reward Assessment

There are many different things to invest in these days. One investment route which individuals take is with regard to foreclosures. Foreclosures occur when the current homeowner of a property fails to pay their monthly mortgage and the property is … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 2 Comments

Thriving Economy of China

The thriving economy of China is dictated by the People’s Republic of China. This has been the dominate force driving the economy since 1978. Currently China’ economy ranks it #4 in the world so there is no doubt the regulations … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Jim Collins, Vivian Davis, World Articles | 6,897 Comments