Category Archives: Society Articles

Islam Sharia Law and Finances

If you’re Muslim and are concerned about financial products that comply with Sharia Law, there are more and more options available to you today. The first Islamic bank in the UK, the Islamic Bank of Britain, opened its headquarters in … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Society Articles, Vivian Davis | 7,780 Comments

Knowing Your Passion

Okay, you’ve decided you want to make money with Affiliate Marketing. So, you join some affiliate programs and start submitting free ads to newsletters and free advertising classifieds sites. You’re going to make BIG money now — right? Nope! Sorry! … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Mia Chen, Society Articles, Vivian Davis | Leave a comment

Do What You Love & Love What You Do

What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m sure you were asked this question at least once when you were a youngster. When asked the question, did you have an answer at the ready, or did you … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Contributors, Mia Chen, Society Articles, Spiritual Articles, Stephanie Cohen, Vivian Davis | 16 Comments

Sci-Fi Weapon Coming True

“The Stilleto” is a weapon featured in Clarke’s science fiction novel “Earthlight”. In the 1955 Clarke novel, the weapon is said to emit a beam of light that was able to pierce a spacecraft. The writer afterwards explains that the … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Jeremy Rios, Society Articles | 14 Comments

Worldwide Real Inflation & Gold II

Available at Amazon Kindle, “Worldwide Real Inflation and Gold I” & “Worldwide Real Inflation and Gold II.” True EC Report

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Michael Kastone, Society Articles, World Articles | 28 Comments

The Debate

If you are anything like me, the smallest decisions can quickly become material for the greatest debates of your life. You can turn the tiniest molehill of an issue into a huge mountain of a decision just by sitting down … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Jeremy Rios, Society Articles | 9 Comments

One Too Many Blank Check

With Mid Term elections just around the corner maybe it’s time for us to start taking a harder look at what has happened to “OUR” civil liberties. What we once took for granted as the cornerstone of being an American … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Finance Articles, Society Articles, Vivian Davis | 7,141 Comments

Global Peace Plan

Rick Warren, author of the best selling book ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ and leader of the Saddleback mega church in California has launched a global PEACE plan which aims to enlist ‘one billion foot soldiers for the Kingdom of God’. … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Mia Chen, Society Articles, World Articles | 14 Comments

Inefficient Social Security

Ah.. Social Security… It’s wonderful program that takes 12.4% of your income each year in order to secure you your future. Let’s analyze Social Security a bit, shall we? The purpose of Social Security is to help the average American … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Society Articles, Stephanie Cohen, Vivian Davis | 7,087 Comments

Online Gambling Ban?

Many people were hoping that if the Democrats won control of Congress they would reverse the online gambling ban, but experts doubt they will even try or that if they do that the will be successful. Once the bill was … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Contributors, Jeremy Rios, Society Articles, Vivian Davis | 7,398 Comments