Category Archives: Jim Collins

Thriving Economy of China

The thriving economy of China is dictated by the People’s Republic of China. This has been the dominate force driving the economy since 1978. Currently China’ economy ranks it #4 in the world so there is no doubt the regulations … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Jim Collins, Vivian Davis, World Articles | 6,897 Comments

Terrorism vs. Investing in Oil

Terrorist attacks threaten the security of nations and create an atmosphere of uncertainty. These threats impact stocks and commodities markets around the world and make investment decisions very difficult, even for the experts. So what can average investors do? First, … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins, World Articles | 21 Comments

Forex Trading Starter

Forex, also known simply as the “FX,” is the commonly accepted abbreviation for the over-the-counter foreign exchange market. The forex market is the largest financial market on earth. Forex exists on a 24-hour-a-day global network that spans corporate, banking, and … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 2 Comments

Futures Trading in Commodities

If you don’t mind losing $5,000 in 10 minutes, you may enjoy trading commodity futures contracts. There’s an old saying among commodity traders: “It’s easy to make a small fortune in commodities. Just start with a large fortune!” This is … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 117 Comments

Stock Market Risk Management

Whenever you invest your money in the stock market, you take on a certain amount of risk. While there is no way to get around that risk, it is possible to manage your risk by educating yourself before you start … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 7,058 Comments

Fund Management. Bigger the Better?

When it comes to selecting top-performing investment funds and unit trusts the bigger brand is not necessarily better. Choosing the wrong fund by investing with big brand fund managers could cost investors dearly. Many investors are deluded into thinking that … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 34 Comments

Psychology in Investing

America will continue to be the land of opportunity and regardless of what course our economy takes over the next few years, it’s likely that investment opportunities will be numerous and attractive. Companies driven by the ever increasing advancements in … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 14 Comments

Passing Financial Practices

In our world of “keeping up with the joneses”, it’s an everyday struggle to resist buying the latest, greatest toy to wow our neighbors with. But how did we come to be this way? If you’re a Baby Boomer, your … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Finance Articles, Jim Collins, Vivian Davis | 1 Comment

Investment Mistakes to Avoid

Smart people sometimes make dumb mistakes when it comes to investing. Part of the reason for this, I guess, is that most people don’t have the time to learn what they need to know to make good decisions. Another reason … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 12 Comments

Buy or Sell?

The mechanism of buying and selling is quite easy. It is as easy as pressing a button in front of your computer screen. The question of when investors should buy and sell warrant a more detailed analysis. When to sell: … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Economy Articles, Finance Articles, Jim Collins | 12 Comments